Educators Plus: Coaching in Your Classroom
Description of Course:
This course provides teachers, staff members, para-educators, and administrators with researched based strategies to help guide the classroom climate and culture.
This course utilizes the text “A Handbook for Classroom Management that Works” by Robert J. Marzano, Barbra R. Gaddy, Maria C. Foseid, Mark P. Foseid, and Jana S. Marzano.
This course will provide proven strategies that will assist with the development of rules and procedures, assist with discipline and consequences, help foster professional teacher-student relationships, guidance on the mental set, student responsibility, getting off to a good start, and how to handle management at the school level.
Participants will be asked to critically reflect and adapt their pedagogies as they learn, reflect and process new information through readings, activities, and discussions.
This highly engaging class is designed to offer participants important information and requires a meaningful application to their professional lives.